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Experience our latest demos, events and be informed about all ins and outs about our profession, industry and VDZ Systems. If you want to follow us or share something, then please connect to our Facebook account.
New parts have now been added for the Ford F-Max, the new DAF XG/XF 2022 and the Van Hool city buses. This year the new DAF XG/XF came on the market. The cabin has been built further forward, so that the cabin space is larger for the driver. By [...]
VDZ Hefsystemen B.V. starts a cooperation with V-TAS training centre for training and education in the use of the VDZ System in combination with Code95 V-TAS training centre and VDZ Hefsystemen B.V. start an exclusive cooperation for specific training courses, aimed at the safe and correct use of the [...]
VDZ active in Japan VDZ active in Japan, in October 2019 VDZ Hefsystemen was approached by the Jyonan Factory, also a Falkom dealer, to introduce the VDZ system on the Japanese market. Jyonan Factory builds recovery trucks and will in future supply the VDZ system in the recovery trucks [...]
We want to thank everyone on behalf of our team that was present at the IFBA in Kassel for their presence, attending our practice focused demonstrations, pleasant experiences and sharing stories and experiences The IBFA exhibition in Kassel is enjoying increasing popularity at home and abroad. [...]
On Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October, we were in the UK supporting our long term partner and VDZ dealer Rydam Universal Ltd. Rydam Universal Ltd have sold may of our VDZ systems in the UK, through their contacts and involvement with the towing companies, even shipping VDZ kits [...]
VDZ was well represented 2 weeks ago at the salvors meeting in Moulin (France) Henk Verstraete our French representative managed to sell various VDZ sets to French colleagues And also gave his colleagues storage demonstrations with the Renault Kerax from Depannage Faurie. If you have questions for France, you [...]
Salvage Mercedes Actros with VDZ Lifting system
VDZ System has developed a special kit for towing the new Scania S series model from 2017. The new range of Scania S series, does not offer the possibility of towing and securing points built into the chassis as was the case on Scania R series. VDZ System has [...]
There are a number of components added to expand the set of VDZ
For Johann, Worked well. Greetings Matthias Dietrich
Several photos of fast mountain obtained through our colleague berger Hoogwout who works daily with our VDZ system to full satisfaction.